“An Immigrant’s Gift” is a documentary that aired on the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) in the United States in the mid-1990s that told the story of Joseph M. Juran and his contributions to Japan, the United States, and the world.
WoodsEnd, Inc., produced the documentary. WoodsEnd interviewed over 30 prominent leaders in industry and quality worldwide and also Dr. Juran and members of his family.
G. Howland Blackiston, grandson-in-law and co-founder of the Juran Institute, was the Executive Producer for “An Immigrant’s Gift.” Central to the project were interviews with major leaders in business and quality who discussed their relationship with Dr. Juran and often their views on management and quality. Among those interviewed were Steve Jobs, Robert Galvin, Genichi Taguchi, Takeshi Kayano, W. Edwards Deming, Arturo Onnais, Gerald Hartman, and Bob Scanlon. Additional interviews were conducted with Dr. Juran and family.
These videos were copyrighted by WoodsEnd, Inc., and through WoodsEnd are the property of G. Howland Blackiston. Mr. Blackiston has granted permission to digitize these videos and make them available for not-for-profit use. All interviewees granted permissions to use the contents from the interviews. John Butman and Jane Roessner scripted the film, which included excerpts from many of the interviews.
More background about these videos can be found at this site.
Enjoy it!
Some of the interviews about Dr. Juran made for the documentary:
Thanks to the QMD-ASQ fro making these gold interviews available.